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Potluck Brunch - Introducing Solids

  • YMCA of Martha's Vineyard (map)

Is your baby trying to steal your lunch? Are they ready to eat or just exploring their surroundings? Come to our FREE event with Dr. Dardy Slavin to learn when, what and how to introduce solids to your baby.

Dardy is a chiropractor and certified birth doula specializing in treating pregnant women and children. In addition to being trained by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, she is Webster Technique certified, has attended the Spinning Babies workshop and taken breastfeeding counselor classes. Dr. Slavin has taken numerous nutrition classes and enjoys nourishing her family through food.

11 am - 1 pm every first Sunday of the month at the YMCA (Alex's Place) starting with a 15-minute informational session followed by food and mingling.

Partners and infants welcome. Optional potluck, bring a dish or not.

For more information

Earlier Event: April 7
Potluck Brunch - BirthFit