Fetal Positioning

Optimal fetal positioning can create a more comfortable pregnancy for the mother and an easier labor for both mother and baby. Some babies require additional help turning from a breech presentation or getting into the optimal position for delivery. Below are practitioners and techniques available to help facilitate this process. 

Spinning Babies

Information about the physiology of birth and techniques to use during pregnancy and labor, with the goal of making labor easier for both mother and baby. Spinning Babies eases birth by helping baby rotate more easily through the pelvis using balance, gravity, and movement.

Marcie Mueller, Lic. Ac.

Nationally Board Certified Oriental Medicine Practitioner
Harmony Healing
455 State Rd, Unit 12
Vineyard Haven, MA

I love helping women have healthy, happy pregnancies and smooth, uncomplicated deliveries.  And let's not forget the postpartum period- just as important as any other phase of pregnancy.  Acupuncture is a wonderful aid to healthy nursing, too.

Dardanella Slavin, DC

Slavin Chiropractic @ Integrated Health Care
455 State Road, Unit 12
Vineyard Haven, MA

Dr. Dardy Slavin is a chiropractor specializing in treating pregnant women and children. In addition to being trained by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, she is Webster Technique certified, has attended the Spinning Babies workshop and taken breastfeeding counselor classes. Her goal when working with pregnant women is to encourage optimal fetal positioning and a smooth birth process. She is also a certified birth doula and is available to treat clients with chiropractic as well as assist during births. Dardy has two sons, one born by cesarean and one by home VBAC, and offers a wide personal perspective. 

Cathleen Vincent, Lic. Ac.

The Yoga Barn
1153 State Road
West Tisbury, MA
508-645-9642, ext. 4

Cathleen Vincent is board certified and licensed to practice acupuncture by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine. She practices acupuncture and lives on Martha’s Vineyard and offers individually tailored treatments for people seeking wellness and health.  Common conditions that often improve with acupuncture include stress management, digestive problems, fertility support, pregnancy health, chronic illness, orthopedic injury, and mood balance.