Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture is a non-invasive healing art known to enhance pregnancy, birth and postpartum health. Acupuncture is often indicated for common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, back/hip/neck pain, anxiety, and hormonal regulation. Acupuncture can also help regulate a quick or slow labor, manage pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and alleviate postpartum bleeding. Acupuncture can help with common postpartum symptoms such as hormonal regulation, promoting breast milk production, help with clogged milk ducts, mood regulation, insomnia and body pain or tension. 

Marcie Mueller, Lic. Ac.

Nationally Board Certified Oriental Medicine Practitioner
Harmony Healing
455 State Rd, Unit 12
Vineyard Haven, MA

I love helping women have healthy, happy pregnancies and smooth, uncomplicated deliveries.  And let's not forget the postpartum period- just as important as any other phase of pregnancy.  Acupuncture is a wonderful aid to healthy nursing, too.

Cathleen Vincent, Lic. Ac.

The Yoga Barn
1153 State Road
West Tisbury, MA
508-645-9642, ext. 4

Cathleen Vincent is board certified and licensed to practice acupuncture by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine. She practices acupuncture and lives on Martha’s Vineyard and offers individually tailored treatments for people seeking wellness and health.  Common conditions that often improve with acupuncture include stress management, digestive problems, fertility support, pregnancy health, chronic illness, orthopedic injury, and mood balance.